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The south side of the moon (and why its more important than ever)


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Special Agent

Special Agent


If you haven't heard India recently became the first country to land on the south side of the moon and though this is exiting news because a safe landing on the south side of the moon is said to be very difficult (Proven by Russias failed attempt to land on the south side of the moon just a few days before India's landing) it also has started an event people are calling "Space Race 2.0". The countries Russia, China, US, and India are all racing to land on the south side of the moon. Even though India landed first the remaining three countries still could be the first to send a human to the south side of the moon. The US even has a set landing date in 2025 for this expedition. But what is worrying people at NASA is China's attempt to send humans on the south pole of the moon. You see the other three countries have all signed the Artemis Accords, A set of documents that essentially says that all the countries that signed the Accords will promise to share everything gathered from space exploration and will share the territory. But China has not signed these Accords. Meaning China could essentially keep everything to themselves and even claim the  south pole of the moon as "their territory." Now China hasn't officially said anything about this so this may be false hype for the space race but if they are right China may hurt space exploration. Now me personally I am not gonna point any fingers yet because China hasn't stated their intentions yet other than to land on the moon but I want to know what you guys think.

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 10/5/2023 at 6:54 AM, CLASSIFIED said:

"Space Race 2.0"

I think even the signed countries actually are not sharing information proactively with each other. Calculations for landing and maybe a little bit of technology at a cost but in the recent socioeconomic tension just between all the countries on the Artemis Accords I don't see them helping each other. Elon Musk's company Space X didn't receive help from NASA until they got a government contract later on into the companies development. Before responding I was looking for the actual Accords and what the repercussions are if they didn't share information but couldn't find it.

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