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Value creation vs. Value capture

ADM D Kilkin

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Special Agent

Special Agent


I’m curious how y’all think about this topic. I personally feel like if you don’t intentionally capture value aka learn, then how would you create personalized value?

Even when a community member chooses to purchase, isn’t that a signal that they’ve encountered enough value creation to make that purchase?

Most communities I talk to don’t do nearly enough “value capture”. Otherwise, their efforts would be more widely recognized and community wouldn’t be seen as a black box. The result would be hyper-personalized programs, topics, events, etc, because we’d be using that context to drive strategy and action. Or is this more about optics and the words we use?

I understand completely that we typically used to talk about these things in the high command chats and forums, if anyone wants to move this thread there I ask you don't because I wouldn't be able to post in those forums being retired. 

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