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Hand Shake- Ireland

New Harry Cramb

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Resident Agent in Charge

Resident Agent in Charge


Handshakes. I simple but crucial way to introduce yourself on a professional manner. It is easy to overlook such a simple thing, that you just being polite but on a more business professional manner especially in Ireland the handshake can make or break an interview. The reason we value the handshake so much is because it opens the person up there and then to the affiliate you are talking too. Here in Ireland we expect a strong, firm handshake with completed with eye contact. Doing this shows confidence. That's the key word. Confidence. If you go into an interview a simply shrug of the handshake and its limp and very laxed then what can this business owner/interviewer think of the person? If he can't shake a hand with confidence how can he work confidently? or do they care about this job? 

You may think i'm being over dramatic but this is something we take very seriously here in Ireland. What about your country? Do people care or do they not? Do they have a different way of doing things? 

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Hi Harry, America also values the importance of a handshake as a show of determination, loyalty, and a test of their character. In job interviews, meetings, and other “high stakes” situations it is seen as something that is a cultural norm and is expected. This who do not shake hands and do so firmly, are seen as “holding something back” or “not being fully committed”. In the education section it is a crucial determination (least in my state) of determining if you “have what it takes”. The other aspect in eye contact but that’s for another post.

- Shandy

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