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Entrepreneurship: Learn How to Be Your Own Boss

Enda Goodwin

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Field Agent

Field Agent

Who hasn’t entertained the notion of being self-employed? Who hasn’t sometimes dreamed of being their own boss, of owning a business and building it successfully?
Even if you have made a preliminary decision about one entrepreneurial career direction, you’ll find it beneficial to at least browse all of the four options before making a final decision, as there’s some overlap among them. For example, becoming a consultant is a variation of starting a business. And buying a business and acquiring a franchise have many elements in common.

In addition to the specific material presented here, a great deal of general entrepreneurial information is available via the Internet, and much of it is free of charge. You’d be well advised to check out and bookmark some of the better sites, including

But far more important than information sources, and even deciding which of the four entrepreneurial options is right for you, is the decision of whether self-employment of any kind is your best career move. This decision is based primarily on personal factors, not the least of which is whether you have the personal characteristics necessary for entrepreneurial success.

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