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First Thoughts on Firewall


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


The cosmetics offering I am not interested in so much, the armor core Chimera is a great addition but I am very happy with the Rakshaka core. 

I want to highlight though this crazy quick fix. 

The quick turnaround to update the Emryean map is astonishing, and I mean this in a "wtf" way because it shows there is a communicating pipeline to deliver quick updates right under our noses. 

They had a old version of Empyrean in the Lone Wolves playlist when it released, back then people noticed that you can still respawn outside the map in FFA Slayer and they fixed that one quick. They did know that was an issue since Jan 18 cause they already had to remove Empyrean from the Rumble Pit playlist due to that bug, but it's really just embarrassing to see it surface again.

And since they were able to fix that Empyrean bug now, it shows that they had a updated version of the map ready (or at least they knew the fix for it) and then they just quickly implemented it after realizing the mistake. The fix was to add one label on two spawn volumes so they wouldn't show up in FFA modes.


Enough about multiplayer, outside of the lone wolves playlist the demanded Ranked doubles was replaced with Ranked survivors. At this point its clear the playlist professors are not interested in the competitive communities plights, despite a nail biting 2v2 show match hosted by their own grassroot partnered personalities. (Which Bound and Renegade won a $1000 Master Chief gaming chair) 

The story is whats really interesting here and I will probably make a separate thread about it unless someone beats me to it. It is essentially something that should be canon but is delivered as a fracture testing the waters as the story tellers seem to be afraid to of failure here. The story is worth exploring. 

Those are my initial thoughts, anyone else queueing Lone Wolves? 

I'll set a schedule to get some challenge grinding going where we can but if its in the FFA playlist you're on your own Spartans. 


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