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Halo Waypoint loading very slowly


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Well, the time has finally come. We saw the end of the Halo Waypoint forums on April 1st and it was not an April Fools surprise. Since this removal it seems that Halo Waypoint itself has downgraded hosting or other. The site will typically load in for me broken. Its sad that this is whats come of even the main site. A Halo Support ticket has been created but has anyone else been experiencing this issue? 


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  • 2 months later...

I've been wondering what's  taking so long to load. I even have the app, and it has been loading slower on the app as well . 

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Yeah even 2 months later its still loading slowly. I know the app is seeing the chopping block soon though, they announced its sunset but I forgot when exactly its going ot bite the dust. 

I know that app loads slow tand they probably don't want to shell the money to fix it. 

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In my opinion, I don't think they know that the app is having problems at the moment but who knows maybe they do know but don't have enough money to even get it fix. In which that case they should just remove that app instead of people downloading it and not able to access certain things or aren't able to get the app working. This morning I choose to remove the app from my mobile device just because I really don't want to continue to have an app that doesn't work but that's just my opinion . 

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In all honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft is funding it. I haven't looked at 343 item shop but it sounds like they don't have any good items that people want to buy from their shop. 

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Special Agent

Special Agent


And the good stuff is way to overpriced and stuck in a bundle with a bunch of terrible cossmetics so then you feel like you aren't getting your moneys worth if you only use the cosmetics you like in the bundle. Thats why I havn't spent a dime on the game. The only reason I have the battle pass season 1 and 2 battle pass is because my friend gifted me it.

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