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Why is Cortana naked?


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Following the exit of Frank O'Connor a conversation around his greatest quotes of all time included "Cortana is naked to attract and demand attention" and its sparked a bit of interest to fans over Twitter. From the full quote he lightly explains but there has to be more to it. Its also something I don't think we've ever discussed. Playing Halo for almost 20 years now I really haven't even sit down to think of why she is naked, let alone realize she is naked, personally and probably coming from other science fiction work it didn't bother me at all. 



While his quote is often taken to a negative demeaning context especially alongside his other quotes and microaggressions directed towards women. It is a completely reasonable in-universe explanation for it. It's absolutely something in character for Cortana to present herself in a way to catch people off guard and put herself in control of the situation. Obviously, the out of universe reason is Bungie wanted a somewhat tasteful but still conventially attractive female AI character in line with the sort of 80s and 90s Sci-FI anime influences Halo had, and probably also a blank canvas visual of a human being to evoke the purest idea of knowledge as a concept.

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