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End of PiLEZ Career


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Having personally known PiLEZ, the trajectory of his career was really unfolding before him in a downward spiral. Wether he was in the right or not really matters anymore because what the public perceives is his wrong doing and grown mans plight to justify heinous acts. 

In addition to this, he is constantly harrassing Tashi and keeping storylines active with other amateur players who unequivocally at his expense ruin his own chances of competing. Part of being in the esports industry is the marketing potential percieved. This is the same as with communities like ours, if we are respectful and virtuous we can invite partners and sponsors. With any player part of the contract negotiation and inevitable careerhood is this same virtuous undertaking, to both be more than oneself but also have the potential to increase their brand. With PiLEZ, I do believe his career is over because he has doubled or tripled down in horrible takes and its such a hard thing ot see that in many eyes he is "cancelled" but also simply no longer marketable as a amateur player or competitor. 

Lying about being able to compete has to be the icing on the cake. He costed his teammates that believed in him a weekend and travel expenses because while they were allowed into the venue they were not allowed to join the tournament with him on the team. Because most of this stuff will fade to the internet and away from memory I wanted to make this post in hopes that other search engines will index and keep it for anyone interested. 

For anyone wondering why even bother giving the light of day, its because I had a vested interest in Victor and his PiLEZ alias. Funny enough PiLEZ actually stood for Peace in love everything zen. PiLEZ was part of our Esports organization back in 2018 and specifically competing at MLG New Orleans 2018 and since then had been a friend until recently. 

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