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The state of Halo Infinite (Halo Infinites 2nd Birthday)


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Special Agent

Special Agent


Halo Infinite has been out for 2 years now and a lot has changed. We finally have cross core customization (mostly), we have forge, co-op campaign, and a variety of maps. Though as much as the game has grown the state of Infinite isn't perfect. A lot of the features we have now should have been there at launch and the other features that should already be here (like split screen campaign and cutscenes) are cancelled. The game still runs terribly for me and the whole 40% win rate thing is probably the worst mechanic ever. Though even with all of this the game still has hope. 343 has been trying there hardest with the little support and staff they have and unexpected and amazing updates (like AI in forge) have been added to make the game fresh. Customization is on its way to perfection like promised and bug fixes are defiantly coming.

So overall what is the state of Halo? Well as much as I love the Halo Franchise 343 has failed on a lot of things and just because the name Halo is on the cover of the game doesn't mean I'll praise every move 343 does but I'm not giving up on the game. Recently Halo has really surprised me and peaked my interest. I finally can just play the game again. I am enjoying myself. If the 343 keeps working on the game and adds some basic needs like quality of life updates, Campaign DLC, Cross Core Customization, and other basic needs than the game will be complete. The game isn't perfect but I can't wait to see how 343 fixes and adds to the game in the future. Maybe that 10 year plan will be achievable after all.

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


I think the game might continue to miss marks but the intent to do good is very much there. There is little to do as a fan than being vocal and supporting the game. Following Unyshek and responses I think its been a great way to stay positive and active with the community that they intend to curate to. I am not really waiting for anything in particular for the game, I just need to find more reasons to play it though and the rotational playlist doesn't really keep me on the game or the current quality of life updates. I hope they can create a solution that works for a player like me but also everyone else. The Bandit Evo is fun and refreshing, I haven't played a AI experience from Forge yet or had the chance to try it myself but I cannot wait to and where the tuning isn't being adjusted for better matches I really don't mind losing so often as long as I can find games to play. 

Not many might remember but the previous title didn't feel complete until Year 2, so this birthday is a achievement in stone to where the game is and how it compares to other launches so far in a way more competitive first person arena shooter market. 

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