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Do you work remotely?


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


As someone whose had the luxury of working from home I had enjoyed this privilege maybe a little too much from a little before COVID-19 Pandemic to now. 

Along with colleagues across the IT sector from companies like Google or Amazon, we are being asked to return to office with a few exceptions being that a promotion or other accolades may be withheld if we didn't show our faces and build a stronger presence in the office. Its shaken me a bit to have to return at least 3 days of the week to the point I considered looking for a new job, to find out that the entire industry is really forcing its workforce back to the office. 

Which brings me to the question, who else might be working remotely right now? 

Are you being asked back into the office? 

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I have been working remotely since October 2019 and its been phenomenal! I can honestly never go back to full time in an office anymore. My company was pretty ahead of the curve and already  had a five year plan to transition 90% of their workforce to WFH over a course of 5 years, and this was before COVID mind you. When COVID hit they just accelerated their timeline, and it went pretty smoothly!

The autonomy and freedom are incredibly liberating, but I did find some difficulty in have to train myself to go from my work mode to home/husband/dad mode without the transition period of a commute, and with it, time to decompress. But I did get that figured out eventually.

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