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Special Agent

Special Agent


Now I debated sharing these leaks here after a discussion I had with Accessing but Mint Blitz already released a video and this leak has been up for a fair amount of time and Halo has said nothing about it so I think it is safe and ok to share. Also none of the stuff on the list is 100% confirmed but a big chunk of this list has been right so far. As always though I urge you to not look at this post if you want to avoid leaks!



Combat knife: Yes the conversation we had about knifes in Halo is finally a reality.

Enforcer: Double Barrel, Gravity Hammer mounted shotgun. Because why not have best of both worlds?



Stasis field: Assuming this slows down all players in the radius. I'm assuming look sensitivity will not be affected.  

Grav Lift: Pretty self explanatory.



VIP: Protect the VIP until the time limit to win. A team loses when the VIP is killed.

Payload: Escort the payload to the extraction point to win. Take turns escorting and attacking the payload.

Mini-Jeux: Mini-game?



Narrative PVE: Maybe like spartan ops in Halo 4?

Firefight: Regular firefight.

Extraction Firefight: Extraction but in firefight form.



Big team battle maps: Tons of maps in development.

Arena: Up to 9 in development. 

Video by Mint Blitz: 


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


This harkens back to how leaks are used in the community, for Mint Blitz who gets paid from the attention and egagement leaks are beneficial to him because there is money involved behind it. The intention of course he will never admit to as its morally wrong but its the attention to it especially in times with little or nothing to upload. 

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 1/9/2024 at 10:00 AM, Accessing said:

This harkens back to how leaks are used in the community, for Mint Blitz who gets paid from the attention and egagement leaks are beneficial to him because there is money involved behind it. The intention of course he will never admit to as its morally wrong but its the attention to it especially in times with little or nothing to upload. 

Honestly I think Mint Blitz cares deeply about the game and wants give hope to the community. Though I do feel it is wrong to share information that isn't yours and make money off of it at least the community is brought together.

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