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Match Composer coming to Infinite!


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


In a recently announcement a Match composer was announced to be in the works. Now personally this is a good win for the community but also at a loss and sacrifice again to population. The fringes that be in the rotational playlists will continue to be just that; there is no solution for unifying or bringing back community through the match composer. The match composer itself has been proven worthwhile in the Master Chief Collection but I have reason to believe its because people can choose which Halo title they want to play. 

Most will never have the luxury of only playing Halo 2 Snipers for more than 10 games a given day. These niche communities and filters end up being its own totem of dead heads in a way honoring the game modes and communities behind them, showing the direction but inevitably nothing more to it. I think this effort comes at a cost, but of course what do you all think? 

Its good to see updates at all but is this really the right decision to follow? 

A huge pro to this is that ranked slayer is going to become permanent which is a nice for those that look to be more competitive but cannot handle objective game modes. 

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