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What do y'all think of the MK IV Core so far?

Recon Ryan

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Special Agent

Special Agent


Defiantly a refreshing bit of content that feels amazing to play. The map, though not the best is defiantly fun and interesting to play on. Also the new core is the best. (You can tell because the 5 games I played yesterday consisted with 4 of 5 of the games giving me a whole squad of MK IV cores, and the other one only one player didn't have it on.) Overall really fun update.

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 2/1/2024 at 10:08 AM, Recon Ryan said:

The new map is okay but could use more cover than just a crate on the side and maybe more jump-ups for rotation/movement.

I don't know maybe I am a little biased because camping in the middle with the sword is just so fun.

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