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Georgia reopening state (COVOD-19)


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Governor Brian Kemp. lifted the stay at home order recently and I thought to share the implications of that decision.

But more specifically the mandating of Restaurants to reopen, following entertainment services. We haven't had the discussion on essential employees yet however beyond the safety of everyone this is about business. In operating restaurants (which I do not do by the way) you can file for business interruption insurance, Business interruption insurance: Business interruption insurance (also known as business income insurance) is a type of insurance that covers the loss of income that a business suffers after a disaster. The income loss covered may be due to disaster-related closing of the business facility or due to the rebuilding process after a disaster.

Most businesses will be filing for this at whatever level in most states across America. Most countries also have some variation of this. However what the governor and Georgia is doing should be observed carefully. This is one of the arts of power in politics and managing resources.

Restaurants are officially allowed to reopen as of April 24th, because of this any businesses still in the process of filing for business interruption insurance does not go through because they are officially allowed to operate at full capacity in the eyes of insurance companies. Property owners can still ask for rent on the restaurant since again they are officially allowed to operate in this mandate. You can kind of see where this goes up and down now in the state. Furloughed staff that is collecting unemployment insurance individually have to come back to work or will have to be released/let-go falling on the business to pay their unemployment insurance; another topic we can discuss. If things get worse again all employees are the businesses responsibility and not the State of Georgia effectively saving the State more money.

So in short, reopening the state saves money for the state and is for the state. Not small businesses or working class people. It's an interesting move for them to make and something communicated absolutely backwards as saving people and businesses.

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