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Gregor Adrik

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Gregor Adrik last won the day on September 4 2021

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  1. Personally, I have the original Oculus Rift and it does 90% of what the latest VR headsets do, just... badly. However, it's currently gathering dust as I don't have a computer capable enough to run it. I've been fortunate enough to get to try the Pimax 8k X ($2k for the bundle with controllers) and was totally blown away. I couldn't see any pixels/screen-door and the 200-degree fov filled my vision to its edges. Seeing the future of VR like that really convinced me that it will become as prolific as the smartphone or at least the home game console once the "jank" is ironed out. For comparison, the first-generation Oculus Rift has a distractingly low resolution and FOV that makes consuming content in VR feel like looking through a distant window with your face pressed against a screen door; in other words, you can forget about reading text or enjoying video. Also, you should know that VR "games" are typically very small experiences that don't really offer the best value for money outside of a few exceptions like Beat Saber and Pavlov. (They also are quite rarely discounted by any significant amount on the Steam Store) The "flatscreen" games that support VR, on the other hand, (especially simulations like DCS, Elite Dangerous, and various racing titles) are usually made leagues more immersive when played in virtual reality with the right accessory hardware (HOTAS) and provide playtime more commensurate with their cost. Direct ports like Skyrim/Fallout VR also benefit from this effect. I'm waiting for at least the generation after the next to upgrade, as there is that whole catalog of tech demos they're calling games that I'll be occupied with even if they stop supporting my hardware after the next generation begins to age. Even though they typically are about 20 dollars for around 4-6 hours of gameplay each (on sale), I have really enjoyed the bite sized play sessions they facilitate.
  2. As far as an ETA, no one's got any news on the next generation of headsets, but we're pretty sure they are coming. For a sim pit though, I'd recommend something with the highest resolution or widest field of view depending on what you find more important, but don't compromise below 90hz for refresh rate. The Pimax 8k has the widest FOV available to consumers and a pretty high resolution for the screen size although I think the new Quest has it beat in pixel density. For your use case, someone that doesn't expect to really live in VR, I'd recommend the quest since it's so cheap compared to older headsets with comparable tech. If you spend as much on it as you might on an Index, you can upgrade its comfort and capabilities to make it a real contender for best VR headset.
  3. I'd honestly wait for the next generation at this point but if you must get a headset now I'd reccomend the Index. It's the most expensive but you get what you pay for.
  4. Dude that flag is so overly literal I love it lmao It's exactly what I was imagining when I clicked on the link lol
  5. Feels like I was in line for it yesterday. I still think that legendary edition has yet to be topped by another game.
  6. I see that lol, I've just begun to work through the post backlog. I suspect I won't finish tonight as I need to do some other things but I look forward to reading it all!
  7. It seems to me that those who acquire near unlimited resources, absolute security, and all their physical desires don't really find happiness until they "interfere" with other's lives, either as a tyrant or a benefactor. The hyper rich and powerful of our current time demonstrate this over and over again. I'd be interested to hear more about what exactly you would do to find meaning once you aren't strictly required to do anything for yourself. Maybe we can have a conversation about it sometime as there really is too much to unpack here for a forum conversation. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord at "₁₇#9091"
  8. I no longer maintain my Xbox Live subscription as Halo was really what kept me invested in Xbox. Now that MCC is on PC and cross-play is coming down the pipe I'll be on MCC for Steam for the foreseeable future.
  9. I see you took this to heart I was peeling back through last week's spike in activity to find this at its heart. Funny.
  10. Deal with him? Record his ramblings and use them to destroy his reputation.
  11. That second one is clearly a bird... the apparent motion is caused by the fact that the plane is passing over at half the speed of sound creating a parallax effect. Journalists at the Guardian never played Arma I guess. lmao *EDIT* I did a quick google search for 'Declassified UFO Videos "fake"?' to see if anyone else thinks the same thing and ran into a CYBERPOL report on the videos. Seems important information was scrubbed from the HUD readout among other edits. http://cyberpol.info/דו''ח UFO Cyberpol 616IS10020_ufo.pdf http://cyberpol.info/CYBERPOL PRESS 616_IS_100_20_UFO.pdf After putting the word "bird" in quotes instead of "fake" I was able to find the article where this quote came from. https://science.slashdot.org/story/20/05/02/2324228/why-the-navys-ufo-videos-arent-showing-aliens The reason I don't think it's a balloon though is that it is clearly hot according to the thermal camera which a balloon would have no reason to be. Also, there is a regular distortion to its shape that sort of looks like flapping.
  12. You've seen "How it feels to get shot from a DMR in a Warthog" but are you ready for "How it feels to shoot DMR from a Warthog?"
  13. Definitely on the decline and I have little hope for Halo Infinite as the title that will reassert Halo's dominance over console shooters. To me, Halo Reach was the beginning of the end for the Halo Franchise. Things really seemed to be ramping up until it was released. That said, the Clan Community as we know it today experienced its height on that game as the popularity of roleplay factions rose to its position of dominance over the other paradigms for the first time resulting in narrative driven conflicts involving many clans fighting across lines drawn by superpowers. Pre-Halo 4 Reach was truly awesome to those who weren't pushed away by the changes made to Halo's sandbox causing it to be commonly regarded as Halo's "golden age." (I would disagree) After the launch of 4 in November 2012 though, the Community was splayed across two games harming activity on both. However, the community was large enough in 2013 not to completely crippled by this split. The same could not be said for the following year though. I remember the end of 2014 and most of 2015 as a real dark time for Halo's population in general and the community as a result. By the time Halo 5 launched almost every contact I had from the pre-Halo 4 era had stopped playing Halo entirely. I was a late adopter of Halo 5 as I really disagreed with the gameplay but Halo Reach had nearly dried up completely eventually forcing me off of it mid 2016. Upon joining a few new Discord servers run by the Halo 5 Clan Community in a search for The Office of Naval Intelligence I realized that the new game had attracted its own crowd that was mostly comprised of ex-Halo 4 and Reach kids who were fairly new blood in the grand scheme of things. They did know what roleplay clans were supposed to look like though and projected that image everywhere you looked in this generation of the clan community. These people were running a fairly functional show and a major community event: Vast vs Exodus was kicking off around this time. Activity had actually been revitalized by the new launch and it lasted pretty well for me until my de-facto departure from active involvement in 2017 when I started my first semester of college. However, today I hear from everyone around me that Halo 5's community is dead so it seems about 5 years from a game's launch is when rot starts to really set in. Comparatively though, I'd say the degree of "dead" that was Halo Reach in 2015 was far less than the slowdown currently being experienced by the community on Halo 5. I do believe that if Halo Infinite sells well it can do at least as much good as Halo 5 did for the community in the first three years of its life. However, if the current trend continues, we might see rot set in at the four-year mark and to a worse degree than what we are currently experiencing as the state of Halo's community today is far worse than even what I remember as the low point in 2015. I truly hope I am wrong about this, but I see Halo Infinite being only as good or worse than Halo 5 so that obviously doesn't spell out good things for The HCC in 2025. I know I'll still be around to see as long as I don't die before then. Sorry for the rambling post, it's 4:04 AM and I haven't slept because I working on my final project for my Data Structures class. Well, supposed to be working on it... so pardon my dust.
  14. The Latin American based prowler: El Cipse is the deadliest vessel of them all with its crew consisting entirely of ex-luchadores. Jokes aside, I hope you can find some time to correct the mistake in your post Lt Cramb. - I'll add my footage to the pile. I was contacted about this "threat" before I got the chance to read the ONI server. Once in the call, Dragon's Wrath proceeded to describe a hybrid between the Navy Seal copypasta and a comic book villain while I frantically rushed to install and configure OBS. I was only able to capture a poor-quality recording of the tail end of Wrath's colorful description with my mic input mixed at twice the volume of my desktop audio and only coming through the left channel. I've added custom subtitles to the video so it should at least be understandable now so be sure to enable them in the playback options.
  15. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/delta f16 I believe you can just query that info from Halo Waypoint, it's listed right next to their gamertag and online status.
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