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Harry Cramb

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  1. lol i tend to find 343 struggles to remove or adjust on things they have invented for the franchise but i like what theyve done with KOTH overall i think it is very fluid and fun where as the last man standing is a bit clunky...i dunno in my career when we are trying to involve people as much as possible in an activity we do our best to make sure games we play dont make people sit out and i feel like the lives thing encourages rage quits and that feeling of being left out i guess i dunno havnt enjoyed it too much may go back to it but im still not to sure.
  2. I like the game mode the main map for it i think i still need to play a few rounds of it but honestly dont really enjoy it but I think my main hatred is the second weapon the mangler as i cannot ever hit shit with it but yet people be 360 double back flip head shotting me cross map. I feel like they put it there to troll everyone lol. Need to have it to produce it lol. But honestly i think this is an overall poor representation of "gun game" especially when someone could mod a better version on mcc I love customs as it allows me to have a break from the sweatiness of ranked but this game mode just overall annoyed me lol I do however and more unrelated to this love the version of king of the hill theyve done very fun, chaotic and fast paced.
  3. Theoretically could the US handle another two front war like WW2. Now that China has upped their navy to even potentially have a bigger fleet than the US (though understandably less experienced) and Russia in Europe how do you think these days the US would preform especially now china and russia can just fire missiles at ships to destroy them instead of sending out ships or planes. China as well has developed a new rocket that fires multiple warhead mid flight and is designed to fly at low altitudes to make it very difficult for warships to intercept. I just think these days everything is stacked against them/us. Even if we look at europe the entire military combined is no where near the size of russia military. Ukraine before the war had a bigger army than most of europe. But as the Ukrainian war has clearly shown numbers doesnt matter at all if you dont have the logistics to supply them and even if you have best tanks a javelin can blow them up or a drone can take them out. So anyway thats my question could the US handles a 2 front war?
  4. They said it would have required the entirety of Europe to evacuate since it is also the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe. Though thankfully the fire only came from and stayed in the administration building next too the plant though some wonder why tanks would even think to fire on the plant in the first place. They now control it as well. Russia seem to wanna go down in a blaze of glory agreeing to giving humanitarian routes from cities theyve laid seiged and then fire on those exact corridors at civilians. Also a video of russian agents of infiltrated ukraine firing on Sky news reporters just driving around. Apparently this is a frequent tactic of thiers just firing upon civilians fleeing. Its a horrific video to watch but something I would implore you too watch just to understand the lethal and indiscriminate tactics russia is using.
  5. You asked me if i was done with EDICT and IDEAS. No i wasnt i think i just got busy at the time and forgot about it. Not much to add to it but i cant reply to it for some reason maybe something again to do with my permissions. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harry Cramb

      Harry Cramb

      Just seems to be with that one dunno why though. 

    3. Accessing
    4. Harry Cramb

      Harry Cramb

      Cant access it. Any apps i wanna access i have to go through that specific link you sent me in #fleetcom

  6. Loved it personally. It's just unfortunate the timing of when it came out as i feel it would have done alot better.
  7. How many hours do you think itll take for the IRA to find you 0-0
  8. So on the day of 09/11/21 @boomiseebrain informed me he got a job. I said congratulations. He responded with "well it was all thanks to you". I responded in a confusing manner "what do mean?". Boom elaborated "On my CV under 'Awards' I put Harry complimented me and the manager asked me who's Harry and i responded saying he was my CO and he did not question it". This helps that boom did serve in the military but id say it doubly helps the manager wasn't very investigative into who I was. Thankfully this intel leak made by boom was not properly realised and I can continue under my alias "Harry". This is another Enlistment Stories I hope you enjoyed this bizarre event and thank you too boom for sharing it i very much enjoyed this. All pictures were agreed to be shown by boom himself.
  9. This is where I am getting confused blue. You are advocating for people not be held back by the promotion process but you are advocating for people to be rank locked when a squad leader for what im assuming is lore based approach? As soon as you "rank lock" someone they are demotivated and may not see a point in playing as alot of people like the achievement side of ranking up. By the time someone reaches E8 or 9 there should be someone willing and able to replace them and then they move up the structure also. On the SoF the structure is quite clear for everyone to move up and through the 45TH MB. Regiment Leader Battalion Leader Company Leader Platoon Leader Squad Lead Fireteam Leader If by the time they are E7, E8 and E9 and they dont have replacements so they can move up i would be questioning them to why and see whats going on inside the platoon to why the cannot replace one person in a leadership position. I mean the reason i didn't do it was solely based of your merit and attitude towards myself, the ship and clan overall but even still you became an ODST which you applied for and osman approved it. So you still managed to move through the ranks even with me disapproving you. But this is a long time ago that for you anyway seemed to be an issue. Now i cannot imagine it being an issue. I mean what's the difference in being an E3 and then saying "hey i want to lead" they get the promotion to E4 and go from there. Fairly sure Rin used to be an E4 or E5 just sole based on the skill and activity she had with the clan. Again can you clarify why you want there to be an E4 rank people can push for to assume the NCO title but not have NCO responsibilities? Sorry just to go back to this part. people have been promoted before based on Merit. Recently Ned has to E3 and previously again Junior Enlisted have done for various reasons mainly being recruitment or hosting activities/stepping up when times were tough. Fire 2the Flame is a great example although she hadnt been in the clan exactly 5 months i thought it was necessary to promote her to E6. But she is the only Senior enlisted to have this as again it was extraordinary circumstances. But the point is having someone promoted for merit tends to be because they went above and beyond their current rank and position. The nice thing about the current structure it basically shows you where they should be at their ranks and what they have to achieve to become a squad leader in order to be a E6 (they need to lead a squad for a month). What I am getting at is they already are being promoted for doing what they are meant to do in they're position. For me like I said a merit based promotion should really only happen if they have went above and beyond not when they are doing everyday responsibilities.
  10. Honestly I cannot see us doing this. Especially since we still have the 2/3 requirements only needed to be completed for a promotion I see no real reason to make it easier again. Especially since you can basically already bypass the timeframe up until E4 really when they need a recommendation from a CO or be in the clan for 4 months (in the marines). The time frame is nice as it stalls people from shooting up the enlisted ranks in a matter of 2-3 months in my opinion. Also back when the first time we talked about the promotion system if i recall it was originally attend 25 and 50(?) activities and your complaint was that it was unrealistic and too difficult which is why with the revamp for the current ranks are the way they are now. I mean the current system allows anyone to put in the promotion and as long as they are a higher rank they are approved. So i do not see how people can be "rank locked". I mean a nice example and of myself basically when ned first joined i did not like him at the time. You put a promotion in for him and morris approved. No matter the opinion I had of him he still got promoted. Now that we have 2 more officers as well the activity problem to peoples promotions being approved shouldnt really be an issue. Specialist is really only a ODST thing from what i understand but again looking at there ranks the furthest in the marines anyway that someone would be able to climb without leading is probably E4 and even then its a bit odd as to reach e4 one of the requirements is to lead a fireteam (but thanks to the 2/3 requirement system they could make it). A lot of the time anyone who doesn't want to lead is happy to stay put where they are Jonesy and Valentines are great examples again. As for a squad leader i see no reason to rank lock them especially since (similar to the razor) the squad leaders would be the main force for generating activity and training personnel currently we have an E5 and a E6 squad leading on the razor and they will most likely be squad leaders later on as well in infinite.
  11. As an instructor in real life this was actually something that got brought up. In terms of kayaking. I can teach people how not to climb into your kayak or how not to hold your paddle correctly. If i then left them to figure out how to get in but still not showing them 'how to' they will eventually figure it out although a lot longer or/and with bad habits e.g. Bringing you kayak out ankle deep then put both legs either side and then sit into your kayak and then bring your legs in. (Correct way) What they might do is take the kayak out too deep where they will struggle to get in or too close to shore where they cant actually get out into the water or lastly and the most likely fall into the water as they are unbalanced. The reason we teach people the "right" way too do things is so they wont pick up bad habits and that they will hopefully be able to develop upon the right way to more advance techniques or ideas. Basically it's our way to give people a short cut into developing new skills or current. Another thing that we teach is not to teach with a negative mind set like saying "don't" or thats the "wrong" way to do it as it is a negative outlook on things. What also happens then is that the kids or teens fixate on that and if they then do that "wrong" thing they get worried and may panic when in reality its ok to sometimes dot he wrong thing as long as they know afterwards that it was the best technique or path to take for whatever reason. Thats why there are things like two stars and a wish. Two things you thought went great and 1 thing you want to improve on (notice not what you did badly). I then also always make sure they say the positive stuff first as its always easier to think of something you done bad as we always fixate on that. I derailed a bit but i feel its all relevant to the topic in someway. In summary people can do the right thing eventually when only knowing about the wrong things to do but it will take a lot longer and they may develop with bad habits.
  12. Hopefully i hear shaw pays people so i want my moneys worth
  13. It really doesn't feel like it. But yeh mind blowing I've been here just over half a decade!!
  14. Just realised I've been in the clan 6 years this month. Officially the longest clan I have been in past my own clan.
  15. From what i understand all the tech/equipment left behind was for the Afghan army to use but they never did or were trained in how to use it. I recall reading something where it was said the contractors paid by america were the ones upkeeping the equipment and the main people operating the machinery and vehicles were also contractors.
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