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Everything posted by WulfeBear

  1. I tried playing that farming simulator a few months back...Honestly, if it just let you drive the tractors and do all that stuff with out the "mission type set up" I would have kept playing lol.
  2. Keep in mind that your decisions matter and will carry over to other games. Do not get out of the Mako if you don't have to. If you are engaging larger enemies, like Thresher Maws, keep moving. Investigate everything. When driving around planets try and stay toward the edge (you'll see a red like do not enter area) you want to stay just far enough away from that, that you can see it...this will allow your sensors to pick up pretty much anything in the search area. And collect everything you can, finding minerals will be one of the quickest ways to earn money. Speaking of money, save it to buy the best weapon then armor you can. I use the assault rifle almost exclusively so I chose to upgrade that first along with my armor. If you decide to use something else like the pistol, etc upgrade that first. That should be enough to get you going...lol
  3. I didn't mind 4...I didn't think it was good, but you had to address Chief, you couldn't just leave him floating out in space. I'm still not a fan of 5's multiplayer, I've never seen 5's forge...
  4. I don't think about it to much...it sent me down a path thats for sure...If I was to get anything it would be the tumbler, only because at least I'd use it...
  5. Anyone in the clan have a Series X yet? I'm not super like concerned about getting one yet, my Xbox One works just fine, but once Infinite drops I'd like to have gotten one...
  6. Did you? I didn't see that...I'm not a pro either, just grew up in farming country...was around a lot of it growing up.
  7. That didn't quite answer my question on whether I should go the PC route or wait for the Series X lol.
  8. Idk about you all but trying to find the Series X in store has been an absolute nightmare. With cross play now available, I'm wondering if maybe I should go back to PC (I don't have a "gaming PC," so I'd have to purchase one). Now, I'm not looking to buy something like super high end or even build my own. But it seems that in the most case its at least for the moment easier to get your hands on a PC than it is to find a Series X. Should I just be patient, I mean eventually the supply will pick up...or should I just start putting money away for a PC and go that route? Keep in mind that I haven't played PC games since like the 90's when Delta Force was out (if anyone even knows what that was).
  9. Anyone make custom graphics? Like for the avatar or cover photo?
  10. I did a lot of work at night, I haven't actually used these but the premise is fascinating and I plan to purchase one (possibly 2). Lightbar Headlamps I've had some bushnell lights that are 1300 lumes and they have a rechargeable battery which is nice...Headlamps are really rather nice since it leaves your hands free...
  11. I apologize if this is located in a spot that I don't currently have access, but if its not...I'm wondering if anyone has access to some Callouts. Videos are fine but I'm hoping to get my hands on some overview/lay out images with the callouts on them. Thank you in advance!
  12. I have been on the forums for about 5 hours, so maybe I'm wrong, but my experience has been that a lot of folks didn't like or do not like Halo 5. I just skimmed the surface of this conversation on Discord and feel it would be appropriate for discussion here. In fact, maybe you like or even love Halo 5...You might also have a mental defect, but I'm not a doctor... The reason I don't like Halo 5 is almost entirely because of the narrative...I love Master Chief, but I think after 4 games it was 343's chance to move on from him (which is what I thought the entire point of introducing Locke was for). Maybe you don't retire him, but you have him as a background player, someone you can see and interact with, but you don't play as and he certainly doesn't have a central role. I mean we are talking about someone who had a very centralized role and relationship with the Arbiter and Elites in general, they could have had him be the chief liason for humanity and the Arbiter. I thought 5 was really an opportunity for 343 to take control of the narrative and explore someone else...And, they botched it... The multiplayer is another story...is it just me or do the maps feel very blank canvasy...?
  13. Also, this may be a stupid question, but how do book clubs work as far as how much time you have to read said book?
  14. Maybe I'm niave or maybe the other ones are just "better" at hiding it. But a few weeks ago I was playing some Reach SWAT and got put into a game with this kid named BanMeFromMCC...I didn't think much of it at the time we were loading in, thought it was stupid that someone who didn't want to play would play and then asked to be banned...I soon found out the kid was straight up cheating, I mean this kid either was flying around or had gravity turned off completely and like an instant kill or something. It was impressive seeing some complete piece of shit cheat in this manner... This is one of my primary concerns with cross play or allowing folks with PC to play in XBOX lobbies is access and implementation of cheats is going to only increase. And like I said, I've never seen it in Halo, at least nothing blatant like this... Does anyone know of how you are supposed to report these to 343? I ended up submitting something via Xbox and I posted it to one of the Facebook groups I follow (either 343 or Halo), never heard anything...God I hope it worked, nothing worse than playing with a damn cheater...
  15. We got any active duty military or veterans (any branch, any country)? I was US Army for 6 years (2008 - 2014) served with (and deployed with) the 3rd Infantry Division, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 2-7 Infantry Battalion, Alpha Company (Assassins). Also was with 1st Armored Division, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4-6 Infantry Battalion, Bravo Company (Bulldogs) and I finished my service with the 101st Airborne Division, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 626 BSB, Headquarters Company. I was stationed at Fort Steward Georgia, Fort Bliss Texas, and Fort Campbell Kentucky, with a deployment to Iraq in 2009-2010. I got out as a Corporal. I didn't really enjoy my time in (loved being deployed), but now that I'm out I miss being in...lol...
  16. And I apologize, but I don't really count cutting grass as cultivating (even though I think technically that would count), but I usually consider that like tilling, planting, and harvesting said crop...lol
  17. Now wait a second, you cut grass with a Kabota to be baled? Is the Kabota going to be used to bale?
  18. So a brief history... I purchased a home across from a historic coal mine and testing center (a Consol site) in western Pennsylvania (off topic, make sure to do as much background investigating before purchasing a home). At the time we put in our offer across the street was a wooded area (much to my aggravation, it is now a housing development, but that is a different story). For those who don't know, coal is acidic, on the surface it can impact vegetative growth, historically Pennsylvania coal operators weren't very concerned with the environment and stuff would just fall on the ground or just be simply discarded...The reason I bring this up is because, my soil is generally not the best (I'm improving it, but...it takes time). Also, and again a great reason to try and find as much history on the property you are looking to buy before you put in an offer, my house apparently burnt down on several occasions (according to the neighbors, 4 times, in case the word "several" wasn't worrying enough). Now, you might be wondering, beyond the obvious, what is the problem with the house burning down and the reason you have some sort of hatred for electric lawn mowers? It appears that instead of the property owner hauling the burnt material off site and disposing of it, they tried to bury much of it. I have pulled 100+ pound boulders, pieces of side walks, bricks (tons of red bricks, like enough to build a good size wall probably), spoons, knives, toys, all sorts of "fun" things out of my yard (and I've only lived here since like 2018). For those who don't know (but who are obviously super excited to know), electric lawnmowers don't work great over uneven surfaces, they also don't have a whole lot of torque. So if you have grass thats a little higher than is typical (if you are mowing every week or every other week), the thing is going to have to work harder to cut the grass. I had a Greenworks lawnmower, thing cost me like 300-400$, but I had a gas mower and I wanted to "do my part" for the environment and maybe save myself some money on gas and other expenses associated with a gas mower. Things were bad almost from the outset. Like I said, if you leave the grass grow more than a couple weeks (at least where I live), this thing is going to have work super hard to cut it, and frankly it doesn't do a great job of that. I don't know if its because of some safety mechanism in the mower, but if it gets to high the thing would just kick off and quit. Needless to say, this year I ended up throwing the lawnmower across my yard and breaking the battery housing (much to my wifes "annoyance"). I went back to my cheap'o gas powered mower (no push assist, etc)...The thing is loud, it shakes, and I have to buy gas (maybe two times a year), but the thing cuts the grass...which is more than I can say for that electric POS I had before...
  19. Kubota is more of a "hobby" farm tractor...I don't know any real farmers that use them for cultivating...
  20. How many people would you need to start? I haven't read any of the newer novels, its been quite a while...I can't even remember the last book I read, maybe Onyx?...
  21. Anyone else slightly excited about Mass Effect Legendary Edition? I played all the originals as they were released, so unfortunately there isn't anything new or surprising, but the games were super fun when they were released and I'm several hours in to the first one now. Speaking of Mass Effect, anyone played Andromeda? Most of the issues I read about said something about the face animations messing up...I saw that, but frankly it didn't throw me off, what got me about Andromeda was the story in general was hot garbage. I mean in the original trilogy we had one galaxy with multiple species identified and portrayed. In Andromeda we had like 2...Just really impacts the "believability." The mechanics where okay, IMO but the story was more than lacking. For me, up to this point I had played mostly FPS almost exclusively, Mass Effect really impressed me with all the information and the Codex and such that BioWare had put into it. It was one of the first "role-playing" games that I played and thoroughly enjoyed. I'll be on XBOX Live for the next few weeks probably devoting some time to the series. Anyone else love the Krogan? Really wish Andromeda would have been something relating to exploring more of the Milky Way Galaxy than trying to reinvent the wheel...Maybe they after having the Reapers come into the Galaxy and try and wipe out everyone BioWare didn't think they could get away with a smaller focused story....
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