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Venture Jones

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Everything posted by Venture Jones

  1. Unless you already do. I may still have access to a paid account from a side job of mine. Let me know if there are icons that are behind a paywall on there and I can grab em.
  2. So some of you may have heard about this ZLeague app/site/thing that allows people to play regular games of Halo (or others) and the stats from those games are used for their Tournaments. And I would like to give a helping hand to those who are already in it and those new to follow each other on there so we can join up for some Duo or larger matches. The overall process of going into one of their tournaments is fairly easy. Once your account is set up and linked to your Waypoint and other online accounts for Halo, all that is needed is to select the tournament you want to play, join in, then play the playlist for that tournament. For example... Say you want to join a tournament for Tactical Slayer (SWAT). You click the join/register for a slot (usually a 4 hour window of slot times). Wait for the time frame (1 hour time frame usually) for when your tournament begins. Then just start searching in the Tactical Slayer playlist. Once the time is up, it takes a few more hours after that for it to gather all the data to then give your placement and awards, if any. Its that easy. It only takes in your data, so yes Wins do get you an extra 5 points, you dont need to win. YOU just need to do well YOURSELF, no matter what the rest of the team does. (Applying to Solo at least, Duo and more, team points are combined). So here is my profile on there, feel free to find me on Xbox too, same name as on here. Hope to see you on some time!
  3. Joint Ops, isnt that bad, but def not amazing or a game changer, just neat. The battle pass, im indifferent because I knew it was going to be this lackluster as they said it was there as a tester for the Match XP thing (which seems to be great so far). Forge is fun for sure, my only complaint for it is to allow more than 1 person use the Node Scripting, right now only 1 person at a time can make scripts if you Forge with a friend. Not that bad, but just like creative work stifling if anything, but I am sure they will allow it in the future for more than 1 person to use it.
  4. Excited for these changes. Only a little more time for them to be perfected.
  5. I so excited for Forge. Though the browser wont be here until later, the LFG add-on that Xbox has can make it work sort of as well. A better example for this is in Halo 3, before they had a browser you'd join in those in the community that you knew had custom lobbies all the time. That is one excitement for me, the "discovery" of it, even if its familiar games or faces.
  6. I am currently struggling with 3 books. The Naked Sun - Isaac Asimov (Robot Series) Thinking in Systems - Donella H Meadows Year of the Black Rainbow - Claudio Sanchez (Coheed and Cambria bands lore) Plan to go through all of Asimovs stuff that is inter-connected at least. Robot Series - Into Empire - Into Foundation. I highly suggest everything from it, including the short stories from "I, Robot". They are all amazing. Along with the Coheed and Cambria stuff, they have 1 hardcover book, multiple comics and 2 "coffee table" size books. The songs of theirs are more like specific individual events in the lore, so the books/comics tell more.
  7. The T pose is strong with this one.
  8. This new Forge is really going to amp up the games and maps in the past. So many more options and additions to it. A literal mini-game maker.
  9. This is hilarious...and cool. Love small things like this in the lore.
  10. Very cool news! Great info to understand too.
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