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What book are you reading?

ADM S Osman

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Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Assistant Special Agent in Charge


Browsing several forums and I see a common thread that I think we should have here: What book are you reading? 

I'm currently reading Be More Pirate: Or How to Take on the World and Win - Sam Conniff Allende and its a very good book. Just started it so I can't detail anymore than the back; 

Pirates didn’t just break the rules, they rewrote them. They didn’t just reject society, they reinvented it. Pirates didn’t just challenge the status-quo, they changed everyf*ckingthing. Pirates faced a self-interested establishment, a broken system, industrial scale disruption, and an uncertain future. Sound familiar?

“I’d rather be a pirate than join the navy.”—Steve Jobs

Pirates stood for MISCHIEF, PURPOSE, and POWER. And you can too.

Be More Pirate unveils the innovative strategies of Golden Age pirates, drawing parallels between the tactics and teachings of legends like Henry Morgan and Blackbeard with modern rebels, like Elon Musk, Malala, and Banksy. Featuring takeaway sections and a guide to building your own pirate code 2.0, Be More Pirate will show you how to leave your mark on the 21st century.

  1. Rebel — Draw strength by standing up to the status quo.
  2. Rewrite — Bend, break, but most importantly, rewrite the rules.
  3. Reorganize — Collaborate to achieve scale, rather than growth.
  4. Redistribute — Fight for fairness, share power, and make an enemy of exploitation.
  5. Retell — Weaponize your story, then tell the hell out of it.

Whatever your ambitions, ideas and challenges, Be More Pirate will revolutionize the way you live, think, and work today, and tomorrow. So what are you waiting for? Join the rebellion.

I hope that's convincing enough! If you share what book you're reading you don't have to go into detail as I just did, thanks in advance. 

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I am currently struggling with 3 books.

  • The Naked Sun - Isaac Asimov (Robot Series)
  • Thinking in Systems - Donella H Meadows
  • Year of the Black Rainbow - Claudio Sanchez (Coheed and Cambria bands lore)

Plan to go through all of Asimovs stuff that is inter-connected at least. Robot Series - Into Empire - Into Foundation. I highly suggest everything from it, including the short stories from "I, Robot". They are all amazing. Along with the Coheed and Cambria stuff, they have 1 hardcover book, multiple comics and 2 "coffee table" size books. The songs of theirs are more like specific individual events in the lore, so the books/comics tell more.


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  • 11 months later...
Special Agent

Special Agent


Well I am not currently reading anything but a book I just read was the new hunger games book the ballad of songbirds and snakes and man was it good. If you thought the original 3 hunger games brought home the point of a corrupt government and human heart than this one brings it to the max. Obviously being from the point of view of President Snow as a teen this book really shows the twisted mind of snow and gives fans of the series explanations to certain traits of president snow. I think a lot can be learned from the newest installment and what makes it scarier is the capitol is similar to a lot of already existing governments. I just really hope the movie turns out to be just as good.

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-The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss (patiently waiting for the third book)
-The Cosmere Series by Brandon Sanderson
-Gentleman Bastard Sequence by Scott Lynch (patiently waiting for the fourth book)

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"Our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise."

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 9/29/2023 at 11:26 AM, CLASSIFIED said:

I just really hope the movie turns out to be just as good.

I watched the movie and....I was disappointed. They left out so much from the book (some scenes being actually being vital to the plot) and there was many scenes that were changed from their original vision. The movie failed to show you President Snow as it was shown in the book and that really sucked. I really feel the movie was set to fail before its launch because not only was the book to long to fit in one movie but since a lot of the book focuses on Snow's thoughts you couldn't present them in a movie without making it awkward. This made Snow's actions seem impulsive and random. When he eventually snapped at the end it wasn't well explained because just 10-15 minutes earlier he was fine. They did good visually but they lacked key scenes and since Snow's thoughts couldn't be displayed on screen his actions seemed random.

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  • 6 months later...



Still on Let My People Go Surfing. But finished the Rodney Mullen book, it was fantastic, I recommend it if you are a fan of him or are curious, its an easy short read. 

Doing a routine of fiction/fun books to be in an audio format and have more real/bios/educational books be more physical reads. So currently waiting for Forward the Foundation, Prelude was really good, its all been good in that set of series' though. Also have the Halo series on audio going through. Waiting for First Strike next. And have a "several months" wait for the book Shogun. After the Yvon book, I may do the Dr Bronners book next or a differnet sort of read.


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