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  • 2 months later...



Hey Accessing, 

This thread is the only feedback one I could find its pretty buried. I have given a good few hours now scouring through this site as a Halo fan and its very overwhelming. The forums especially for the UNSC and ONI are very large and with great depth. The information collected altogether is monumental, this is an insane passion project you and staff have here. I implore you to really look into what better ways people can navigate and be funneled to areas that are trending, wanted or just easier to talk in and find out what all of this is about. 

I also think the mobile friendliness is a necessity. 

A concept you might like as this site also blends into some real world coaching is the acronym for Roger in an order "Roger that" Received Orders Given Expect Results, Roger that is simply said but in more meaning to it than what we all know it to be. As ex-military and avid reader its fun to see this site have many other concepts working or not and especially around Halo. I hope to catch you on Discord sometime soon. 

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  • 1 month later...
Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Assistant Special Agent in Charge


I think we should add a French forum and also expand on the modding forums.

With Open Carnage no longer around, losing a year and a half of data I think we should look commemorate them by both having a space for Chimera and Invader projects but also the modding scene overall as a strong PC community. This website also still isn't mobile friendly so for that target audience viewing in desktop they will appreciate the fine design and element in our site.

I also think its time to rewrite our message in the front page, to be more clear and inviting. The Units is going to take more time I imagine so we should look to serve the community now instead of the one tomorrow.

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Instead of being an archive for things like Halo mods. Halopedia is currently the best place of all Halo content to be "archived". I suggest we have some sort of partnership with them in a way they can utilize us (the forums/site) and us utilize them (maybe make a more nicer looking archive list that is more concise or streamlined compared to the pedia and its heft). 


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