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Building towards an active forum

Anna Richards

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Starting to see an uptick in activity on the forums, hopefully this is not just a Summer fling here but people find value and purpose here. I'm not apart of staff anymore or a moderator but I do miss ONI from time to time and especially in fun game modes we would play as parties way back in the day. I recently played Squad Battles and just thought that this is probably the best rotational playlist yet. Maybe ONI should do more play dates and get some activities going on! Anyway on to the topic of the thread before I lose focus here.

What do you think are some ways that this forum could do better, bring more people or have more conversations?

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Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Assistant Special Agent in Charge


Very good to see you again Anna! 

Hope all is well, I also played some Squad Battles and really enjoyed it. As you know too, or at least I think you know there is a ranks rework in progress (or done? @Accessing but some of us with the resigned servicemen group were reset, I had myself fixed but I think you definitely have way more posts than it says you do and that's something to fix. 

Some activities would be nice, Halowaypoint never really did forum games.

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


I've been holding off on advertising fully until I fix some basic things, what I've realized is that the mobile friendly part really needs to be addressed. Until we come up with a good mobile design which will probably be entirely different from our web base I am not confident sharing the site in a grand way. Though I think this is a good opportunity to try to appeal to the PC userbase around Halo its already been tough. 

I received some valuable feedback from friends I was playing with recently that the site doesn't necessarily have a good call to action, or as he put it a clear goal for people when they come across this site to interact. I always thought that forums were already, always daunting because the close knit communities are not always welcoming and his insight as a fresh perspective helps. 

Of course all things considered we need to be cost effective too, right now the site has donation options in the form of subscriptions, I want to be careful with how this money is spent and everything is expensive lately.

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