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Why is it that ONI's call each other fake?

Recon Ryan

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Field Agent

Field Agent


So, why is it that most to all ONI Offices and groups call the other one fake? Is it an ego standpoint, fake file, or distaste for the other person?

Also, I'm thinking of making my own Office and need some advice.

Your favorite Sunray

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer

On 11/14/2023 at 9:21 AM, Recon Ryan said:

So, why is it that most to all ONI Offices and groups call the other one fake? Is it an ego standpoint, fake file, or distaste for the other person?

It comes from how stories are told. 

If you hear a story told by one person you will think of it and understand it in one way. If someone else tells a story by the same title you would be confused. The authors of these stories disregard one another and tell different stories using the same title.

That is what most conflict boils down to, a difference in rules and organization.

This is explained in our orientation of ONI and what a narrative is; as a game master and author myself the narrative is the single most important thing of any clan as it dictates the rules and organization. To others a narrative is just known as an orders of battle (ORBAT) and does not stray too far from real world examples and is not all serious as it sounds. It can be down to how memes are shared and whats funny that is often contested between groups too. In the "big picture" the problem is that all ONI groups invalidate eachother, both because its all for fun and madeup but also in its definition- ONI is not a category for people to add their clans to, too many leaders are adding labels and co-opt ideas with their own headcanon. It ruins the experience for everyone involved when it becomes more important to have an identity than to play video games. 

On 11/14/2023 at 9:21 AM, Recon Ryan said:

Also, I'm thinking of making my own Office and need some advice.

I really suggest joining ONI instead of creating your own. We have opportunities and openings for all kinds of leadership and need it to, there is a demand here and space for legacy but also honor, nobility and trust in our name and history. 

To me its absolutely crazy to start a clan and call it ONI when this one here exists. If I were to start a clan its purpose is clear (defeat another clan, help me reach a multiplayer rank, help others complete achievements) than after that its done. Its name and theme are all to benefit it but simply if one already exists and especially if I see problems with it I would join and tackle the challenges altogether. 

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Field Agent

Field Agent


I was thinking of making an Office like department, not another clan that hates the other. Myself and a few friends are really planning on it and doing our best to make it the best experience for all people who come around. My friends and I want it to grow and be a great place for all kinds of role-players and chill guys. Sure, it'll be hard for them to combine, at first.

I know I'm sounding like a bit of a lunatic. However, I want to lead something I know can succeed in.

I've joined and looked at multiple clans and I see the problem that they all have in common and it's mostly personal bias. For example, not trying to be rude or distasteful of another person, people like CINC A Stone and how he does things around his side of the community. Nevertheless, the other side like Admiral Ava doesn't like him and how he runs his peoples.

I thank you for your reply and help! You explained it in a way that I wont have a headache over.

I'm also finding it difficult to START A UNIT in this server. Is it because of my perms?

Your favorite Sunray

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Yeah, I mean speaking from 10 years into Halo, its clans and leading its something everyone wants. The plans and execution of it are always sound until first contact. 

When Mike Tyson was asked by a reporter whether he was worried about Evander Holyfield and his fight plan he answered; “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

What Tyson said is similar to the old saying “no plan survives first contact with the enemy”. The enemy here doesn't have to be personified and instead can be the challenge of starting a clan. Starting a clan especially as a "department" or Office that does not service anything is already a fair undertaking. Its something people plan all the time but the execution is where it falls apart. In this I think the plan needs to survive the kind of challenges that come with being both new to clans and new to the name. There is little point to start one because of the challenge but if you insist I really recommend to take in account what I'm about to say. 

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first then seek to win” Sun Tzu, the Art of War. Its cringe to quote such an novel piece of literature around war but it applies to this in that everyone needs to figure out the roles and niches they fit to build culture in a clan before ever thinking of starting one. Its where most clans fail or fall altogether. Its about being cool but also actually skilled. I don't know you hardly at all, I don't think we've been in any of the same clans but if we were members of the same clan I should known of you, you should be the best member there and that's what I really mean in all of this. If your friend group isn't filled with the best members of your old clans its going to be very difficult for you and not worth the effort in my opinion. 

A Unit can be anything, but you can only create one at a time. So if you already have one you won't be allowed to create another. Otherwise an option to create one should be on this page https://www.lysithea.ai/units/ 

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Field Agent

Field Agent


It makes sense and is plausible. I've known these people for a few years now and never let me down before so I have a pretty strong confidence in what we're trying to achieve.

It does upset me how divided the community is and wish it wasn't so hard left or right. I do trust you in this and appreciate it.

I left the Unit I was in and still can't make one. Is it somewhere I can't see it or am I just blind?

Your favorite Sunray

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer

On 11/15/2023 at 11:05 PM, Recon Ryan said:

I left the Unit I was in and still can't make one. Is it somewhere I can't see it or am I just blind?

Found the problem, it was the group you were in previously. Should be fixed now! 

I'm glad you'll listen, plan as you go and where I would be more specific with my goal plan to be flexible if you want to expand and accomodate more kinds of members. Its simply not as fun for serious role players to be with chilled out players and that balance is something no clan has achieved. 

On 11/15/2023 at 11:05 PM, Recon Ryan said:

It does upset me how divided the community is and wish it wasn't so hard left or right. I do trust you in this and appreciate it.

I do wish people would get along, I invited both Stone and Ava here but it didn't seem like either were interested in adding value and just look to take. I know many other ONI's who say they know me or use this site to validate themselves when in all reality we are just making a platform for others to enjoy Halo and talk about events, ideas and goals. Someday when I can finish the website I know it'll bring more people together but until then we are left to our own devices. 

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Field Agent

Field Agent

On 11/15/2023 at 8:53 AM, Accessing said:

I'm glad you'll listen, plan as you go and where I would be more specific with my goal plan to be flexible if you want to expand and accommodate more kinds of members. Its simply not as fun for serious role players to be with chilled out players and that balance is something no clan has achieved. 

Thank you for fixing the problem!

I'm planning on making it as fun as possible for both sides that join so that not one will have power over the other in terms of popularity and members.

On 11/15/2023 at 8:53 AM, Accessing said:

Found the problem, it was the group you were in previously. Should be fixed now! 

I'm also having another problem and it doesn't seem to be fixed...I can't change my display name at all. I've only changed my name once or twice this year and I'm not able to change it; even though you said that we could change it 5 times before no more for the year.

Your favorite Sunray

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On 11/14/2023 at 8:17 PM, Accessing said:

“no plan survives first contact with the enemy”.

I'll give you another saying to add to the pile: “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans.” - Woody Allen

Even though I'm not religious at all, this is still a household favorite around here!

R10 Senior Director of the Hard Style Assassins Gaming Community.
HSA 2022 Hall of Fame
Gaming Hub Council Member
"Do we bend the rules in service to a greater good? And if we do, what does it say of us?"
"Our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise."

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer

On 11/16/2023 at 3:06 AM, Recon Ryan said:

I'm also having another problem and it doesn't seem to be fixed...I can't change my display name at all. I've only changed my name once or twice this year and I'm not able to change it; even though you said that we could change it 5 times before no more for the year.

Yeah at some point it'll be forced to your gamer tag but I'll check it out. I'm not a fan of people changing names even that often, I just have horrible memory so names really come and go for me.

On 11/16/2023 at 3:53 AM, HSA Argon14 said:

 “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans.” - Woody Allen

A Woody Allen quote is always welcomed. I don't know if you have been exposed to too many other ONI's but I'm interested in what you might think about the entire issue. I don't think HSA avoids the problem altogether, but imagine if you guys did so successful that the 2nd or 3rd in charge decided to split away and start a community with the same name? What would you do? 

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Field Agent

Field Agent

On 11/16/2023 at 1:44 AM, Accessing said:

but imagine if you guys did so successful that the 2nd or 3rd in charge decided to split away and start a community with the same name? What would you do? 

Sucks to suck, all in all. If he leaves and splinters off of the name then he'll be stupefied. I can only see this happening by him not liking a certain person there. I'd have it to where no problems would exist and all matters wouldn't be put off for longer than a few hours. I'd find it funny, rather. Him leaving, and creating his side of the community, using my name; despicable and idiotic.

Your favorite Sunray

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Field Agent

Field Agent


This website does not like me, lmao. I can't pull up the roster at all. It shows the yellow bar at the top but I hover over it and it pulls down an inch of black and shows nothing to click onto.

Your favorite Sunray

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On 11/16/2023 at 12:44 AM, Accessing said:

I don't think HSA avoids the problem altogether, but imagine if you guys did so successful that the 2nd or 3rd in charge decided to split away and start a community with the same name? What would you do? 

Oh we don't have solid methods to avoid the problem at all. In fact HSA itself is a split off of a split off of the original KSI from WAY back when. We've just been split off now for 8+ years as HSA. We've had several people splinter off to form their own groups after some argument or frustration internally, and we've always had an open door policy as far as coming and going, and not having a rule for our members to join other communities or clans. So we just told those that left that they'll always be welcome back, and that we would still like to have friendly game nights if and when possible. We also encourage members not to join the toxic gossip train, and to open speak kindly, or  not at all barring that, about those who have left. By and large its worked out okay for us. We actually maintain a relatively positive relationship with most of KSI to this day!

R10 Senior Director of the Hard Style Assassins Gaming Community.
HSA 2022 Hall of Fame
Gaming Hub Council Member
"Do we bend the rules in service to a greater good? And if we do, what does it say of us?"
"Our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise."

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


No good solution to that, I think the open door policy is great and a candid culture of reviewing and discussing issues through to solution. Not many are mature enough to foster than kind of environment, I don't think ONI would win in that regard or even build a good solution to it. Many members here are not as forthcoming, but direction and leadership as well running our own lives and treating this as secondary to our jobs and livelihoods make it a tough challenge to overcome. While many are always creating clans under the name ONI despite us standing here today, its something I welcome now where I didn't before offering a chance to be in this one before they start their own. 

When talking about this I remember one instance specifically where staff and I just had a difference with members that they could not understand. Halo clans is a form of escapism for young adults but younger they are the less responsible they are about the daily life that takes place before you turn on your console or PC. In this instance I'm thinking about our members had banded together in a "hate campaign" against our staff because of our lack in activity. I wasn't able to communicate how important school or jobs were to us in staff before the clan or community so many took offense to that, some even left in the frustration citing that our command was inactive while all it was were people working to reach financial goals and to support others. Ultimatewolf805 put so much pressure on one our leaders VADM G Dvorak or Gabriella that she left the clan, he didn't even know she had a son and was simply not going to play Halo or video games at all. He didn't have a job or anything to understand responsibilities that take place before launching your game. I still don't know how to navigate and support that kind of culture but hopefully something like this never happens again. 

On 11/17/2023 at 4:40 AM, HSA Argon14 said:

We actually maintain a relatively positive relationship with most of KSI to this day!

As for our relationship with other ONI groups, they are all but non-existent. We have something going on with @CINC A Stone which I am very happy to receive and talk to at all, but its on the basis of validation which is something that no one can really do for anyone else, it is in the end non-beneficial to this ONI. Because of the earlier mentioned story writing as well that all the role playing undertone clan leaders tell stories that just often conflict with ours in ONI. As an example we believe what makes someone a leader here is the tenure and experience, there is a key performance indicator internally to decide when someone is ready and how someone is awarded. Many other ONI groups change their gamer tag to add CINC or Admiral as a prefix and declare themselves to be leaders. Its something that would not be allowed with us, would surely be grounds of removal in most clans too. Practically everything about other ONI groups is different, to the point that we find no common ground sometimes. I doubt most would just play a game of Halo Infinite with me on the same team.

Our relationship with other ONI's suck but I don't see a way it'll get better. If you ask around most people think ONI sucks because of one group, that group will often share the blame and point at another ONI group or us. Its hysterical how deep this can go but its only going to worsen as our media and my time/effort is going towards building this platform and not chasing drama. 

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Field Agent

Field Agent

On 11/17/2023 at 12:41 AM, Accessing said:

If you ask around most people think ONI sucks because of one group, that group will often share the blame and point at another ONI group or us.

That group is usually a kid who thinks they're always right or an older person who thinks the old ways are still the best. There are too many ONI's out there for one person to validate, no offense to @CINC A Stone but it's too many people for him to get through within his time in the community. I don't know if you're gonna be here 'till you die bro but you're a legend for 17 years. There are certain ONI's that could be legit and should be considered right but are thrown under the rug because they have one thing different about them.

Your favorite Sunray

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