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How to deal with a toxic community


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Special Agent

Special Agent


Toxicity is communities grow every day and it seems like every day you find a batch of hate comments about a thing you love. Take Halo for example. Every move 343 makes is criticized by this toxic minority. Now yes some of this hate can be justified but people tend to make a mountain out of an anthill. But how do we as a community deal with it? Well I am gonna tell you right now, you probably can't change most peoples minds. People who insult and hate on things usually can't have their mind changed. So what do we do? Well the best we can do is remain positive but also surround yourself with a kind community that, yes, may talk about how certain aspects of the game, movie, book etc. aren't that great but they won't constantly hate on the game and learn to enjoy what the game has right. Finding the right community can prevent you from being part of the echo chamber of hate that every community has but also make you enjoy the product you are talking about even more. There is just something about talking to other people passionate about the same thing(s) as you and discussing opinions, news, favorite aspects, and other things communities do. Now I don't play Minecraft anymore but I saw this amazing video on the state of the Minecraft community and how to deal with the toxicity and it really drives home my point, and also poses a lot of interesting questions about toxicity in a community.


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Echo Chambers are such a destructive force of nature, and can happen so incredibly easy if leadership lets one or two small things slide by the rules, cause that can and will snowball!

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


It’s tough because Minecraft is a huge community, likely x250 of Halo’s population (probably more) so the swaying outliers and even social media presence of those that do voice toxicity are far more than those that aren’t. In Halo all it took was a vocal minority on social media to blanket over any positive voices, this same vocal minority: the social media influencers had this power to really control what people thought of the game and still do today. 

You can still go back and see even in just the thumbnails the kind of rage baiting that existed before, that truly still exists because of the modern algorithms today. By design content that engages you is pushed to you and this is more often than not things that make you sad, mad or just stupid enough for you to respond and again engage. It’s a harsh reality of marketing hell we are in to both have this and the social media influencers pedaling the system for profit but that conversation really should be a thread in itself. 

I don’t know too much of the frustration around Minecraft, admittingly I am not watching the video since I am kind of on the go right now checking the forums but I can guess that Mojang as a developer really sold out to Microsoft and fans are unhappy about the changes being made by Microsoft. It’s a little upsetting but the same applies and more for Minecraft who sees another x500 content creators than Halo who probably all help each other ride this wave by creating similar content for viewers to keep watching.

Where Minecraft undoubtedly has issues I don’t put it past them to answer and be involved in the community as they used to be. Of course it’s really up to them, Minecraft isn’t a game in any danger by anyone’s standards as a bought out Microsoft company now they already won that battle and anything thereafter is a blessing before the sunset.  

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Field Agent

Field Agent


For some unknown reason, people don't do reason, in the Halo community.

I wish we could return to simplicity and fun. However, we have many of those whom won't care and would reignite quarrel in screenplay.

Your favorite Sunray

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 2/2/2024 at 2:00 PM, Recon Ryan said:

For some unknown reason, people don't do reason, in the Halo community.

It isn't just a Halo thing. Communities all over are toxic. I think it is for a few reasons:

1. People want it their way. If something goes even slightly different than the expected the toxic side of the community will be enraged.

2. People think they are always right. You don't know how many people think their hot take about a fictional world is FACT. 

3. Wanting to start drama. People just love drama so they will be toxic just to be toxic.

4. Joining the Bandwagon. Some people don't even have a real reason to complain but because everyone else is they decide to start being toxic as well.

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Field Agent

Field Agent


I see this happen more than I see a dollar bill; it's gotten to the point of everyone being petty over "not having a file" or "you're fake".

Where's the reality of everyone else being a proper human being? All it is now has become slanderous play; targeting anyone who isn't with them or remotely wanting to talk to any said person whom are against them.

Your favorite Sunray

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