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2 Years...

New Harry Cramb

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Resident Agent in Charge

Resident Agent in Charge


So Its been nearly 2 years since I've really been on the website since I resigned besides the odd check-in etc. Just wanted to say the big change in the site it looks unbelievable @Accessing big difference in a lot of things and the forum gives me a good throw back to how the enjin forum used to look like!  

So quick update on what I've done in the past 2 years I joined another clan tried to stay a low rank and couldn't help myself but take responsibility. This ended in the same way as clearly overall I just had not learned from my previous experiences I found with the combination of work and trying to generate some form of an active clan is just too much overall WORK and PRESSURE it wasn't fun anymore. After I left ONI and that clan it was always a weird sense of relief so I've committed too saying no too clans but they are like a weird itch, where you think of all those old times and fun you had. 

Enough of clan staff anyway. I am still in Ireland powering on now Head of Sailing in a centre ironically we are currently pushing a fight against our manager workers rights as he is quite abusive emotionally towards workers and has been for years. I am curious if anyone here has experienced going to unions before? Before this my entire work place decided to go to the union against him I personally went to the union against him due to him taking me to a back room to swear, scream and threaten my contract. That was a 3 month negotiation that proved that we can actually go to someone for help without consequences. Lastly I am hoping to go off and do a degree in outdoor learning this year which is a big step as I am still quite unsure about going for it but this feeling usually leads me down a good path. 

Oh went to California down by San Francisco for a month  and that was unbelievable, checked out Santa Cruz as well where I got wiped out by "small" waves surfing. Weirdly I didn't think I would like America but damn did I love it. Done wine tasting too but I don't think I am made for it, didn't really understand the hype for it.  

So 2 years and not much I don't know when I really last spoke to anyone as I am rarely ever on discord now due to just not needing to be which was also nice haha. I recently read over the whole shenanigans 2 years ago and honestly it hurts to read haha for two reasons one on how bad I feel on how they all felt and two on how cringe it all is now 2 years down the line though I still kind of squeal a bit when I say something horrendously stupid hahaha

Hope the past 2 years have been eventful for you all as well.

P.S. Locked out of my main account, xbox account and overall email which is why I can't play anything xbox or log into my main account on here haha

See yas around.


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Hey! I am always happy to see a familiar face, I can merge your new account and old account together if you want. 

On 1/30/2024 at 9:03 AM, New Harry Cramb said:

After I left ONI and that clan it was always a weird sense of relief so I've committed too saying no too clans but they are like a weird itch, where you think of all those old times and fun you had. 

Yes its almost impossible to get on and solo queue for me because I know what its like now playing with groups for so long. It doesn't even have to be Halo anymore, I get this feeling I need to invite my friendslist of clan kids before playing anything and I also need to hear their stories as we play. 

It is absolutely insane what you have to go through just to organize a raid or anything outside of the base game anymore. Taking the helm has had a new meaning in years and where I looked to first relieve the work and pressure from others I have given up entirely and just went the other direction to try and reward the effort and volunteer community management that the "Job" becomes. I stood up an US based non-profit called Eridanus-II Foundation for people to register volunteer hours in or be employed by to help them with their actual careers. Since we do anything from data entry and reporting to organizing events and administration I thought it was the most appropriate thing to do. 

I have no experience with Unions, I recommend making that its own separate thread though because I can imagine one or two people have gone through the process for appeals and so on. 

On 1/30/2024 at 9:03 AM, New Harry Cramb said:

Oh went to California down by San Francisco for a month  and that was unbelievable, checked out Santa Cruz as well where I got wiped out by "small" waves surfing. Weirdly I didn't think I would like America but damn did I love it. Done wine tasting too but I don't think I am made for it, didn't really understand the hype for it.  

California is beautiful man, I think Delta A17 is over there he would have got a kick out of meeting up. Everyone always thinks the grass is always greener and where California is the people living there even after paying a stupid amount higher than average in rent will exxagerate it. 


On 1/30/2024 at 9:03 AM, New Harry Cramb said:

I recently read over the whole shenanigans 2 years ago and honestly it hurts to read haha for two reasons one on how bad I feel on how they all felt and two on how cringe it all is now 2 years down the line though I still kind of squeal a bit when I say something horrendously stupid hahaha

I've had a few ask me to take it down but I genuinely laugh at it every once in awhile, like why did we talk like that and how my grammar got a little bit better from then. 

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Field Agent

Field Agent


I definitely think that my past 2 years have been crazy; I mean, the changes I've attempted and exempted through are laughable.

I've come a long way and so has the community and many people with their new or stagnant lives.

I wish I could experience things again, as you have said, and enjoy the company. I hope your life continues to be prosperous and fullfilling.

Your favorite Sunray

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  • 4 months later...
Resident Agent in Charge

Resident Agent in Charge

On 1/30/2024 at 12:56 AM, Accessing said:

Hey! I am always happy to see a familiar face, I can merge your new account and old account together if you want. 

Yes please! I cannot remember my old log in for the life of me hahaha. 



On 1/30/2024 at 12:56 AM, Accessing said:

California is beautiful man, I think Delta A17 is over there he would have got a kick out of meeting up. Everyone always thinks the grass is always greener and where California is the people living there even after paying a stupid amount higher than average in rent will exxagerate it. 


Damn I should have messaged the group to see but I was with the family so it would've been hard to escape to see a few people it was a pretty jam packed month. 



On 1/30/2024 at 12:56 AM, Accessing said:

It is absolutely insane what you have to go through just to organize a raid or anything outside of the base game anymore. Taking the helm has had a new meaning in years and where I looked to first relieve the work and pressure from others I have given up entirely and just went the other direction to try and reward the effort and volunteer community management that the "Job" becomes. I stood up an US based non-profit called Eridanus-II Foundation for people to register volunteer hours in or be employed by to help them with their actual careers. Since we do anything from data entry and reporting to organizing events and administration I thought it was the most appropriate thing to do. 

Yes I agree completely! I didn't realise how much I was treating as a second job till I had dropped it and I've been able to focus on actual shit that honestly does matter too me. Of course I am not saying I didn't enjoy it but trying to keep people organised, while trying to keep it fun and organising those raids was just toxic hahaha. Yeh I found playing BF4,5,2042 were the games i enjoyed best by myself as it still felt like I was with a group. 

The pressure I think is where it hits most when running these types of things whether it be from others or yourself as people are always hanging onto the older days and want to experience them again but it just won't happen. The days of UN, UGN, LN, DGA ect, are looong gone. 



On 1/30/2024 at 12:56 AM, Accessing said:

I have no experience with Unions, I recommend making that its own separate thread though because I can imagine one or two people have gone through the process for appeals and so on. 

Ill be sure too. There's a long ass story to go along with it hahaha. 

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