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Halo on Playstation......


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Special Agent

Special Agent


Yes, you heard me right, Halo MCC may be coming to Playstation. As a Halo fan for years I always saw Halo has Xbox's big exclusive but here we are years later and MCC is rumored to be coming to the PS5. Now as controversial as this may be I think this could be great. I mean Halo can expand its community and maybe if people like some of the earlier games they may buy infinite on the Xbox or PC. Now this news is kind of funny to me because just about a week ago I made a thread discussing if Halo being on the PS5 would benefit the game and here we are. So what do you guys think?


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


This does not align with what they have said about MCC not recieving anymore updates but we'll have to see. 

Sony's architecture is linux based so I wonder if this will also mean support for Linux operating systems is going to be introduced for the PC version. 

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Field Agent

Field Agent


If Xbox is going to give these kind of games, then I want some PlayStation games!

If it happens, I want something like God of War or Destruction All Stars!

We're giving PlayStation our "prized" games and we want a fair trade. Give us games in return so both sides can be happy!


This is a dramatized and overextended message for laughs and a bit of thought.

In all serenity, what do y'all think of some of our games going to another platform with nothing coming our way?

Your favorite Sunray

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 2/8/2024 at 1:08 PM, Recon Ryan said:

In all serenity, what do y'all think of some of our games going to another platform with nothing coming our way?

I think this is not really just xbox's idea. I think these companies that are thinking about putting their games on the playstation, just want higher profits. Yes xbox makes them a bunch of money but playstation has more users than Xbox so it is a no-brainer to be cross-platform. 

We could at least get a few PS5 exclusives though..... (looking at you spider-man games)

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Field Agent

Field Agent


Definitely. Simply put, it's sad to see Xbox this way; on such a small player base.

I think that most optimization for all companies and players is to have one single console where anything can be bought or played across Console or PC.

Though, this idea is still flawed because of things like size of games in the store, having the repurchase, optimization for (corrupt) companies and how to broadcast games that were made only for ______ and then having a hard transition into a newer generational gaming experience.

Your favorite Sunray

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 2/8/2024 at 1:18 PM, Recon Ryan said:

I think that most optimization for all companies and players is to have one single console where anything can be bought or played across Console or PC.

Honestly that would make the customers spend less also. You wouldn't believe how many people I know that buy every console, have a PC,  and then just use one. 🙄

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Field Agent

Field Agent


I have a PC for various reasons and I do use it for gaming but only for specific games like Fortnite, Brawlhalla, and Phasmaphobia.

It wouldn't make the customer spend less if the console price is always $1000 and never sells out. Plus, PC always pirate the game so it wouldn't matter anyway.

Your favorite Sunray

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