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02/07/2024 Site Downtime


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Hello all, 

The site was down for however many hours while I was asleep; a known issue with payment of our site hosting came up. 

I haven't been able to sit down and give detailed financial reporting for the site, I have been looking for more ways to automate the process and make it seamless and easy to understand. But for right now we are of course as a small niche community and the site is paid via donations, subscriptions and our store that sells merchandise. Anytime there isn't enough funds I pay out of pocket and use a personal PayPal account that I am still transisitoning out into a business account solely used for this site and the operations of Lysithea, ONI and anything related. 

Because my payment options are in Japanese every now and then between PayPal and the vendor they will drop the card or my bank will chargeback. Paying for the site is also a manual process so if I forget to login to our vendor website and pay, the community will go down. It is a sad truth and reality but hopefully will be a challenge we fix soon (this month or next) especially because the Yen to dollar rate is very bad for me. 

As the site returns everything should be good to go! 

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