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Halo show season 3 prediction thread


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Special Agent

Special Agent


What are your predictions for the 3rd season? 

Personally I think the Gravemind will make his debut next season. I saw a theory that Kwan Ha's mother is actually gravemind and they are manipulating her to help out the flood.


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Field Agent

Field Agent


I think the flood would get an entry but the Gravemind wouldn't make the show until later in the season or Season 4. That's just my opinion.

I would hope to see the show make the Spartan IIIs have their own Mjolnir armor but I don't think they'd do it anytime soon...

I wish to see more with the lore than just the combat to understand more and not have to read books; if they would make them.

Your favorite Sunray

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Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Assistant Special Agent in Charge


I think its likely we will see the Gravemind sooner.

With the success of James Ackerson in the series I see it continuing pushing the narrative and story a different direction. I still do not like the show and the Silver Timeline so whatever possible to end it I am hoping for. The Flood taking over and ending the show would probably redeem it.

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 3/29/2024 at 2:35 AM, ADM S Osman said:

The Flood taking over and ending the show would probably redeem it.

Honestly the flood episode actually gave me some hope for the show. The way they introduced the flood was really cool and actually for the first time, added real tensions to the story. Now the episode didn't save the show by any means but it defiantly gave it some hope.

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