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Should Forgers be paid for maps?


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Halo forge map makers are being asked to be compensated for their work because a majority of the maps in Halo Infinite are community made using the forge tools. Previously, Forge content was added into matchmaking as a nice addition, benefit to all and feature to individual artists. We're seeing Forge be the backbone of new map content for Infinite. 

Forgers should have an avenue to be compensated. Especially since forgers are leaned on significantly to keep the game alive. Forge isn’t moving spawns/weapons anymore. You can easily spend 100+ hours in a map now… If people don’t get stronger incentives, they’ll likely move on. Microsoft should be be working with 343 to create a program that uplifts & encourages creators that then rewards them with payouts based on the plays they receive that in turn gets people back to the game/shop. Seems to work well for Epic.

Forge has always been about passion without expecting compensation. But still the industry is evolving so I agree to an extent with this since Forge has become a powerful tool. There could be ways to incentive creation but it's a minefield what we're approaching here. I don't think hiring forgers as independent contractors is a wild idea. With Sparasoft making Forge maps this is probably the way around.

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Field Agent

Field Agent


I don't think forgers should get paid for maps of the sorts at all. They're making a map or game mode for themselves or others within a game that freely allows them to do so. If 343 really wanted, they could make the forgers pay for forge and get compensation. However, forgers shouldn't get paid because they put their own time into a game. It's like me asking for $30 and hour just because I do sports in high school.

Your favorite Sunray

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