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Sociological Imagination: A Task


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Good evening, I wanted to know what the community feels is sociological imagination. Without looking at Wikipedia, what do you believe the impact of this body of research is for gaming, is it beneficial or not and why do you think so?

Happy Researching!

- Shandy

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Junior Attendant

Junior Attendant


I took a psych class and we never really went over this, so I'm not familiar with the term. I'll answer this in the way I understand it. I believe everything affects everything, even if it affects nothing. Gaming non-stop can change daily life for some, making them antisocial and not wanting to be in reality. Allowing for some to trust people online (because they wouldn't judge or have to face the reality of someone ever judging. Even if they did judge, they were not "close friends.") more than friends who would be next to them. However, this is close to a substitute counselor that are not professionals, causing people to get more tangled in beliefs and insecurities. Discipline can also be brought up when gaming, some people see a false world and get defensive over it more than their own real life. Now, I am not sure if this answers your question as I have not researched this intensively.

PS: I was approaching this in an individual way, of how thinking about gaming and being in that environment too much can effect people.

Edited by ODST J Sechemet
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That’s a very good psychological take on the subject, thinking oneself is not able to attain that coveted armor piece or get to the next level, is what I believe microtransactions play a role in fixing us to spend more to get more. You will learn this in your psychology courses (as I have a minor in it) that sociology and psychology blend as one.

Sociology looks at the impact of society/communities on groups of people-while seeing individual  consequences as a result. Whereas psychology looks at the impact of the person (whether internal or external influencers). This is a very simplified version of the two sciences, both of which will be delved more deeply as you progress further in your studies. I’ll post a psychology based discussion soon. 

Here’s some literature on the two sciences: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.saintleo.edu/blog/online-psychology-degree-vs.-sociology-what-s-the-difference-infographic%3fhs_amp=true

- Shandy

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


I had to look it up because I've never actually heard of it before haha, I immediately think of metacognitive ability which seems to be a starting point before going into and understanding socialogical imagination.

22 hours ago, ODST J Sechemet said:

I took a psych class and we never really went over this, so I'm not familiar with the term. I'll answer this in the way I understand it. I believe everything affects everything, even if it affects nothing. Gaming non-stop can change daily life for some, making them antisocial and not wanting to be in reality. Allowing for some to trust people online (because they wouldn't judge or have to face the reality of someone ever judging. Even if they did judge, they were not "close friends.") more than friends who would be next to them. However, this is close to a substitute counselor that are not professionals, causing people to get more tangled in beliefs and insecurities. Discipline can also be brought up when gaming, some people see a false world and get defensive over it more than their own real life. Now, I am not sure if this answers your question as I have not researched this intensively.

PS: I was approaching this in an individual way, of how thinking about gaming and being in that environment too much can effect people.

I really like this take, I don't think I could have come up with this answer even though I like it very much. Now that I know what it means (or think I do) its still not clear to me what this is. I also think of emotional intelligence individually, it is true that what controls how you feel controls how you think but this clearly at the macro level.

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Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Assistant Special Agent in Charge

23 hours ago, ODST J Sechemet said:

I took a psych class and we never really went over this, so I'm not familiar with the term. I'll answer this in the way I understand it. I believe everything affects everything, even if it affects nothing. Gaming non-stop can change daily life for some, making them antisocial and not wanting to be in reality. Allowing for some to trust people online (because they wouldn't judge or have to face the reality of someone ever judging. Even if they did judge, they were not "close friends.") more than friends who would be next to them. However, this is close to a substitute counselor that are not professionals, causing people to get more tangled in beliefs and insecurities. Discipline can also be brought up when gaming, some people see a false world and get defensive over it more than their own real life. Now, I am not sure if this answers your question as I have not researched this intensively.

PS: I was approaching this in an individual way, of how thinking about gaming and being in that environment too much can effect people.

Shame on your psych class instructor. 


On 4/28/2020 at 2:20 AM, Shandykidinkent said:

Good evening, I wanted to know what the community feels is sociological imagination. Without looking at Wikipedia, what do you believe the impact of this body of research is for gaming, is it beneficial or not and why do you think so?

Happy Researching!

- Shandy

Sociological imagination is an integral part of society in how it can progress. Sociological imagination the research itself is pragmatic, as it is a constructive criticism of all sociological probable problems and not widely well received by leadership, management and administration. As the CINCONI here, I assemble a thinking focus group whenever I see an evident problem in our community that needs to be fixed. The transparency of this is essential to me but it is also a consistent battle in my design and vision with the problems of 1 or 2 enlisted. I think of groups in design and the root instinct of humanity is reconceptualized online and that we all have a choice to participate in what we agree on regardless of ONI's stature to serve. 

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